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Final Conference

After 24 months of life, INTERMOVE project reached to its end in December 2017. To present the main outcomes of the project, a Final Conference was organized by INCOMA, coordinator of the project, in Seville on 14th November 2017. Under the name “Seeking excellence in educational mobility”, the conference included the participation of key-note speakers of national and international levels and was attended by national and international participants from 48 different institutions involved in education and mobilities and interested in the benefits of intercultural and intercomprehension preparation.

As a result of this one-day conference, a video summarizing the key aspects of the event has been created and shared on-line here.


Train the trainers' sessions

As part of INTERMOVE IO6, five Train the Trainers activities were implemented successfully in each of the partner countries with a total of 60 participants, who were trained as facilitators of the INTERMOVE model. The feedback received showed participants’ satisfaction with the training and the topics addressed. After the activity, they were feeling more prepared for identifying the needs of participants, adapting the learning pathway and working through the INTERMOVE platform.

The organizations represented by the facilitators were awarded with the INTERMOVE Label, a certification that enables them to deliver the training for trainees and, therefore, implement the INTERMOVE model with the participants in the framework of their Mobility programmes.

Pilot testing with trainees

Within the framework of IO5, Pilot run activities with trainees were foreseen to test INTERMOVE model. For their implementation, partners organized INTERMOVE training sessions in their countries that gathered a total of 89 participants in September and October 2017.

For a more complete development of the training activities, partners tried to combine as much as possible different profiles of participants, so the trainings in general were multicultural, multilingual and, when possible, including participants from pre-departure and upon arrival stages.

Participants were engaged and motivated about the approach and their general feedback was very positive, showing themselves as participative, open-minded and eager to learn about concepts that were new for them.

Thank you, Intermovers!

After 24 months of life, INTERMOVE is over now. We hope the project has eventually helped to tackle some of the barriers to mobility experiences by fostering Interculturality and Intercomprehension. If you already had the opportunity to become facilitators, we hope you continue to spread the model and, if not, you can always contact us to receive the INTERMOVE Label and become one of them.

In name of the partnership, we would like to thank all of you for your support and interest and we really hope this is not a goodbye but a…

Até breve !
See you soon !
Ci vediamo presto !
A bientôt !
¡Hasta pronto !

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