ONSITE Dissemination event- Bordeaux

2016-04-26 ONSITE Dissemination event1

On the 11 April 2016, Cap Ulysse invited local companies interested on knowing more about ERASMUS + opportunities. Thanks to the participation of the French National Agency, participants were able to discover that ERASMUS+ is also an interesting tool for companies and staff.

During the evening, about 50 mentors or future mentors of European trainees experienced 3 different workshops on the topic of Mobility, one of which was about the linguistic and intercultural barriers. Along this workshop, INTERMOVE project´s objective and state of the arte was presented. Later on participants had the opportunity to experience practical situations leading to identify tips based on the intercomprehension approach, and on how to deal with a foreign speaker

2016-04-26 ONSITE Dissemination event2